Landfill Free Program

Bee Bella wants to offer a product our customers will know makes the world a better place. We do this through thoughtfully sourcing our ingredients, donating to honey bee research, and keeping our used containers out of landfills. But for the last part, we need your help!

When you’re done with one of our amazing products please send it back to us so it can be properly disassembled and upcycled.

The Reward: Customers who send in three empty lip balm tubes and a completed form will be emailed a discount code. This discount code is a buy one get one (BOGO) offer on our three-pack lip balms. That’s a $29.85 value!

Here’s what to do:

1. Collect at least three lip balms

2. Fill out our Landfill free program form. This form is designed to give us all the information we need to send you your Bee Bella rewards and to get a better understanding of what you think about Bee Bella so we can keep improving. Please fill out everything below so that we can reward you and understand our customers better.  

3. Send those lip balms to:

Bee Bella, LLC
Landfill Free Program
PO Box 721
Oshkosh, WI 54903

4. Receive your BOGO codes! 

That’s it! It’s that easy to make the world a better place!